Residential & Commercial Floor Repairs & New Installs

Living Floors’ timber floor services include:
- RFloor Sanding & Polishing
- RNew and Old Floors
- ROutdoor Decking
- RNew Installations
- RRepairs and Restorations
- RCork Flooring
- RParquetry Flooring
On Site Consultations
Every timber floor is unique. Our service is reflective or your personal style and the natural elements of the timber. That is why we would love to meet with you, at your home or job site to discuss your project.

Floor Sanding and Polishing
Your existing timber floors have the potential to be the focal point in any setting.
Having your floors professionally sanded and polished will ensure the original floorboards will retain their quality and integrity for many years to come.
Ask us about how we can restore your timber flooring to its former glory.

Outdoor Decking
Of all timber flooring surfaces, outdoor decking suffers the full effects of all our weather conditions.
A regular professional maintenance check will guarantee that your decking is always ready for your outdoor entertaining and family gatherings. In order to restore your deck’s original beauty and appeal you should consider a professional sand/recoat service.

Polished Floor Repairs and Restoration
Scratches, water marks, damaged boards. We can repair your damaged polished timber floors and restore your old floor back to new life. We accept all insurance work.
Cork Flooring Restoration
We can also repair and rejuvenate an existing cork floor. Even cork floors can be restored back to brand new.

Parquetry Flooring
A definite style feature in any home, a parquetry floor is by far the most sophisticated.
This highly specialised craft is one we are proud of.

New Installations
Tongue in Groove | Laminate | Engineered Flooring
At Living Floors we partner with the best expert installers in the business. Combined with our polishing and finishing expertise, your new timber floor will be stunning.
All our timbers are sourced from quality partnering suppliers to ensure a great finish. Ask us about the many timber species and options available to suit your project.
Our Process
1. Nam Aliquet Felis Turpis
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2. Vivamus Mollis Luctus Felis
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3. Quisque Molestie Interdum
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Discover Your Options - Find A Solution
Timber floors are an investment that requires the best, most specific advice. The first step to quoting your project is to learn more about what you need. We will call you at your preferred time to arrange an appointment.
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